Discover Scuba Diving program
Connect with the underwater world

Service Description
Ready to take the plunge with Sunshine Divers Club? Our Discover Scuba Diving experience lets you try scuba diving for the first time in a safe and calm water environment. This introductory program is perfect for anyone curious about the underwater wonders and wanting to see if scuba diving is the adventure they've been dreaming of. What you'll gain at Sunshine Divers Club: Discover Scuba Diving: See if scuba diving is the perfect underwater adventure for you. Connect with the underwater world: Experience the magic of the ocean firsthand with Sunshine Divers Club. Take your first breaths underwater: Breathe underwater for the first time with the guidance of our certified instructors at Sunshine Divers Club. Decide if you want to become certified: This is a great first step to see if you'd like to pursue full scuba diving certification with Sunshine Divers Club. What you'll learn with Sunshine Divers Club: Gear Up: Master the scuba equipment you'll need to explore the depths with Sunshine Divers Club. Speak the language: Learn essential hand signals for clear underwater communication with our instructors. Master the basics: Practice key scuba skills under the supervision of Sunshine Divers Club's professional team.
Contact Details
Coast Rd, Second Sharm Al Shiekh, South Sinai Governorate 8765101, Egypt